Centurion Canoe Club has suffered a decline in membership over the last number of years, I’m sure that many of your clubs are experiencing the same thing. Our view is that it is not only just the economy but also the growth in Mountain Biking and Trail Running that are attracting potential new canoeists. We believe that we need to market canoeing to these sports and we presented what we believe could be a solution to GCU. The largest growth we experienced in canoeing was during the years of the Leppin Ironman with many aspirant triathletes joining canoe clubs primarily to train for the canoeing leg. This often led to the triathlete discovering canoeing as a sport and venturing further into river paddling and the like. So with GCU’s approval CCC are holding a Canoe Triathlon on the 6thNovember 2016 at Rietvlei Dam but with a difference.


This going to be a team event where an experienced canoeist teams up with a novice to paddle 8k in a doubles, ride 25k on a MTB followed by a 5k trail run, the last team member to cross the finish line determines the team’s time. The idea is that no more than one of the team can be or has been registered with CSA, two novices is even better. Further, we want to make this an interclub challenge with a simple scoring system, we are restricted to 100 boats so first team across the line scoring a 100 points for the club and second 99 and so on. The club with the highest aggregate score wins.


So what we need from you guys is obviously your clubs participation and to assist with helping novices with experienced partners, boats and training. We are advertising this race amongst the MTBikers and Trail Runners and I would like to point potential participants to a club closest to them and this is where I need your commitment to take them under your wing and help them through the process and hopefully turn them into new members of your club. I hope that you are all willing to assist and you can get race details on the Centurion Canoe Club facebook page or this L ink


Of course you are welcome to market this event yourself to procure participants  from your area.

Please help us grow our sport.


Rob King



Centurion Tri