The FLCC Klip race went well – thanks to all for the support – the weather was better than previous day and previous week but the August winds (which never usually arrive in August) were still noticeable and cloud cover from time to time created some chill….. and it was certainly noticeably warmer than previous weeks!


Apologies that the results could not be printed at the race – some problem with the printer!!


There were more swimmers at Broken Weir and Caravan Park, during this race, than at Mine Rapid !


No carnage at all and even novices / first timers at Mine Rapid managed it extremely well – it certainly seems easier than previously with lots of changes in the rapid:


– The Left line appears easier as there is more water flow…. some paddlers did go too far right at the entry instead of TIGHT left, but they had no problems getting back to the RIVER LEFT unusually as in the past this would be a huge problem…..

– There is NO line on the right – if there was, it has been blocked

-There are two trickly streams on the right neither suitable to shoot – one on the bank, with grass tufts and scattered rock formations in the second one (as well as a graden chair) as the sandstone is breaking up and shifting – even the island is breaking up with small rivulets growing wider as the once solid piece of island becomes a number of pieces of rock

– There IS a middle line in the event the LEFT line gets blocked – its right next to the left line, a bit to the right not much – all the way down to the island then a strong flow to the RIGHT to come out left, into the original line from the RIGHT channel which is no longer accessible from above.


We are always VERY proud when there are FEMALES in our races so well done to Mariette Zandbergh (WAT) who finished as FIRST FEMALE!!!  and Lindy Odendaal (NWU) was 2nd Female – their respective times and age groups were SV7 in 2 hours 47, and Under 23 student from Potch in 2:59….!!


Once again and Under 18 won the race – Sibusiso Chwayi (SOW), followed by Richard Cele (VIC), Katiso Hlahatsi (VIC) finishing as the first 3 paddlers in  1:57, 1:58 and 2:01 .  Kobus Filmalter was the 4th finisher, as 1st Veteran (WAT) in 2:02, followed by another Under 18 in 2:04, Zanentlantla Mbala (SOW)….!  SO good to see the youth leading the way !!


Dylan and daddy David Browne were the next finishers and FIRST K2 (Dabs) in 2:06, with the first Sub veteran finishers being Kevin Hunt with Gerrie Du Plooy (Dabs)  ,  while the actual K1 Sub Veteran winner at this K1 race was Sandile Hlongwane (Dabs) in 2:16….


Mark Handley (VIC) still dominates the K1 Master race, finishing in  2h12, and the first finishing Submasters, also the first Mixed Doubles were Wat/Lik duo, Andre Zandbergh and Sylvia Nel in a time of 2h15….The K1 Sub Master winner was Ronald Botha (NWU) in 2h28….


The winning K3 was a Dabs crew who finished the race in 2h13, as SubVeterans, Daniel Mclachlan, Tim Proome, and Andy Spottiswoode…..


The Under 23 first finisher was JCC’s Peter Chissano in 2h16, and the first finishing Under 16 was Jaydon Hunt (Dabs), a couple of seconds later!


The Great Grand master Klip Champions are still Franz Fischer and John Rowan (ERK/VIC) in 2:25….


And everyone had a great day on the river!!!  So good for banishing our depressions, anxieties, and negativity!!  Well done everyone – Thanks to FLCC for the opportunity!