Race Report: ERK Flat 21km

28 June 2014

While Gautengers usually expect mild pleasantly sunny days in winter with blue skies, the cold front winds arrived from the coastal areas whipping up choppy conditions on the Homestead dam in Benoni where ERK hosted the training races and paddlers were well wrapped up in winter gear as they leaned into the wind striving to gain ground on Saturday 28 June.

Fortunately the city’s partnership with Ekurhuleni / department of sports and the local clubs ensured that all participants received warm winter paddling booties along with drinks and meals to console the chilled tired hard working paddlers!

The winners of the 21km were Siseko Ntondini (U23 – SOW) in 1 hour 51 minutes with Cornelis Human 2 seconds behind in 2nd place (Dabs) while Michael and son Liam Stewart (ERK) finished 3rd as the fisrt K2 in 1 hour 55 minutes.

The first finishing Sub vet was Marco Magni (Dabs) as the 3rd K1 finisher in 1 hour 56 minutes, with Nicholas Warren (Dabs) leading the Vets to finish a couple of minutes later.   James and Donna Tutton finished as the first Mixed Double, and 3rd K2 (ERK) in 1 hour 58 minutes, and Peter O Connor  (DABS) was the first Grand Master finisher a minute later, as the 7th K1.  Tony Purchase (DABS) was the first SSGM seconds later in 8th and the high number of older generation paddlers proves that they have the grit and determination as well as stamina to take on the more serious challenges!

Young Sibusiso Chwayi (U14)(SOW) was the youngest finisher in 2 hours 4 minutes as the 11th finishing K1, while the Dabs K3 finished some seconds later with Charles Murray, Gillian Jones and Angke Beneke forming a mixed double.

Gavin Steyl (JCC)  finished as first master in 2 hours 4 minutes as 12th K1 and Livhuwani Munyai (SOW) was the under 16 finisher a minute later, while Brian Langton was the Sub Master of the day, 18th in 2:06 followed closely by Vince Buttrick the Great Grand Master leader!

Anya Botes (CEN) finished as first female and 4th Under 16, with Katarzyna Lapacz the only other female finisher, 2nd Master in 2 hours 18 minutes.

We trust that Gauteng paddlers appreciate the effort that clubs put on to accommodate their training needs and provide sponsors whenever possible and thanks to ERK for their efforts!

Race Results

Jennie Dallas
082 857 857 1