We are planning a marathon event for the 14th Oct ( it could move to either the 25th Nov or the 9th Dec – depending when we can get an Event Sponsor/s on board ) at JCC – Wemmer Pan….
The purpose of the event is to nationally showcase the Sports4life Sport Development ,Education and Medical Care Centre that we hope to establish at Wemmer Pan.
We have secured national Super Sport TV coverage and a vast social media supportive campaign , all that we need is to get a “ Event Sponsor “ on board.
If there are any potential event sponsors “ out there “ ,do connect with me asap.
We are hoping to pay good prize money which would make a trip up from far afield worth while.
Registration will start at 7 am.
Racing starts at 8 am.
Race distances are : 6 km , 12 km , 16 km and 21 km. We will allow anyone to enter any distance regardless of their age.
There will be a portage every 4 km.
Prize money will go to the first 3 in the event ,so long as there are more than 3 per event/age category.
Event entry will be through the CSA entry portal and entry fees will be R90 per adult and R50 per scholar.
Pete Rossouw,
Cell : 082 895 8129