As a sequel to the VLC Cake Race held last month, VLC is hosting the Cake Race Part II. Continuing in the spirit of providing an early season opportunity to get on the river and another opportunity for novices to build on their river experience and get those valuable qualification points towards A-grade river proficiency, this sequel includes an additional 5.5 km as well as the infamous Mine Rapid which is clear and in great shooting condition. The step-up from the previous Cake Race provides a good honest 20.5 km of river paddling as well as an opportunity to master Mine Rapid early on in the season. Starting at a little place called Xoxo Mansi on the river’s edge in Daleside, the race will include Mine Rapid followed by the short portage around Henley Weir, the testing Broken Weir, Little Klip Rapid, Sports Ground, Pump House Rapid, Double Drop, Graveyard and the finish after Caravan Park Rapid.
There will also be some amazing lucky draw prizes, including a printer from Global Office Supplies.
We hope to see you there on Saturday 14th May .
Race Details:
- Date: Saturday 14th May
- Start Time: 9H00
- Start Point: Xoxo Mansi, Corner Visarend and Piet My Vrou Roads, Daleside
- Finish Point : Meyerton Caravan Park
- Distance: 20.5 Km
- Entry Fee: R80 Seniors, R50 Juniors – for pre-entries only (add R50 for late entries)
- Pre-Entry Details: Pre-entries close midnight Wednesday 11th May – you can enter online at – please remember to bring your proof of payment to the race. Remember no payment no race.
Race Organiser: Simon Treston 082-415-6340.