Hi All,

Sports4life will be hosting a marathon series ” with a difference” this year.

We will be hosting a “Gauteng Inter Club Championship ” to determine the best marathon club in Gauteng.

based on the following criteria. There will be 4 different trophies awarded.

1. The club that wins the most points over the 3 events series.

2. The club that on a percentage basis grows the most numerically by the end of April 2019.

3. The club that adds the most women paddlers over the period.

4. The club that introduces the most new schools to paddling by the end of April 2019.

I hope to make this an annual series with the ” Growth markers” being measured from April to March the following year.

My goal is to expose our sport to the wider public as much as possible and
if we can secure sponsorship for Super Sport TV

Coverage…we will include a map in the TV Production showing the location
of all the Canoe Clubs in Gauteng , to increase

individual club awareness to the local community , hopefully resulting in
club membership growth.


The events will be K1 on the Sat and K2 on the Sunday.

We will need a R118,000 in sponsorship for the 2 day events to cover all costs without prize money being paid out.

With reasonable prize money being included, the costs would increase to around R150,000.

If any of the paddlers would like great national coverage for their companies , or a few of you guys can combine to

cover the TV costs, it would be awesome for your companies and for the growth of our sport.

Sponsorship can be per event or for the whole series.

Please connect with me asap , as we need to finalise the Super Sport ” showing bookings”.

Maybe you have contacts with potential sponsors, please work with me on this.

Event dates and venues:

1.26/27th February at JCC, Wemmer Pan.

2.9/10th March at ERK ,Homestead Dam.

3.27/28th April at VLC, Germiston Lake.


Pete Rossouw.

Sports4life Events.

Cell : 082 895 8129.