NWU Watuni Akzonobel race Saturday 5 May 2018
(This is the 10th and unfortunately the last race sponsored by AkzoNobel
Great thanks to them for their support aver the past 10 years.)
Saturday 5 May – Entries due date Thursday 3 May….
Start 9h00 at the Makery
K2 Race – all other welcome
20 Km race
Finish at Caravan Park
No handouts – but free boerie roll and beer/coke at the finish to all paddlers.
Normal entry procedures
Makery arrangements:
No Trailers inside the normal parking area
Parking arranged in special area opposite the main entrance
Alternatively at the Scout Hall area.
Drinks and food will be available on sale at the start
Race as usual 2 km upstream, small portage and then back
Henley weir – compulsory portage
Launch area will be indicated and support will be available
Not the best but make do with what we have
The rest of the river open and fun to paddle
Only problem is bridge below sportsground
Only option is far left – single file only
Support will be available to assist you over the rocks back into the river
Depending on the water level no need to get out of your boat
WATUNI CC – 083 680 5952