CSA Bylaws Regarding PFDs
PFDs must meet ALL of the bylaws in order for them to be used at CSA sanctioned events
• The PFD must conform to EN ISO 12402-5 ({Level 50})
• It must be able to float a weight of 6.15kgs.
• It must carry the appropriate labelling.
• It must be in sound condition.
• It must not be loose fitting
• Shape and design of the jacket must allow freedom to twist and lean the torso.
Minimum ISO Approved Standard:
• As at the 26th January 2020 the minimum standard for all PFDs worn at CSA Sanctioned events is the ISO 12402-5 ({Level 50}) standard.
• There is a SANS equivalent, SANS 12402-5, that is recognised as equal to the ISO standard by SAMSA
• Any locally manufactured PFDs that bear this SANS 12402-5 code on their label will also be allowed at the above mentioned events.

• As at the 26th January 2020 the minimum standard for all PFDs worn at CSA Sanctioned events is the ISO 12402-5 ({Level 50}) standard.
• There is a SANS equivalent, SANS 12402-5, that is recognised as equal to the ISO standard by SAMSA
• Any locally manufactured PFDs that bear this SANS 12402-5 code on their label will also be allowed at the above mentioned events.
The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)
• They control the regulation of fair trade in South Africa for the the use of items like PFDs
• There has been mention in the past that the PFDs need to be NRCS registered too.
• You might notice that some locally manufactured PFDs will display this number while those that are manufactured internationally don’t.
• It is a requirement that companies manufacturing and retailing products that fall within the specified areas stated above are registered with the NRCS and conform to Fair Trade Regulations
• It is currently NOT a CSA requirement that PFDs display a NRCS registration code in order to use at CSA Sanctioned events

Code Explained:
The code is broken up into 3 key sections. All three sections must be displayed on the PFD label.
- Prefix – Testing Standard
- ISO – International Organization for Standardization
- SANS – South African National Standard
- Main Number – Category of item
- What is the items intended use
- Suffix – Grading within that specific category
- The lower the number the higher the grading within the category.
- If someone uses a PFD rated 12402-4 they will still be permitted. If the rating is 12402-6 they will not be permitted to use it.
CSA’s Application of these regulations:
• CSA and the respective event organisers have the responsibility to ensure that these regulations are upheld at all CSA sanctioned events.
• The only way that this can be done is to ensure that all PFDs used have the correct standard displayed on the label of each PFD used irrespective of brand.
• Below are examples of what the label should look like and the key aspects to note:
• Mocke PFD Label – Note NRCS Number displayed:
• PEAK UK PFD Label: Note no NRCS Number
See below the two Bylaws. Please note all of these must be adhered to and there are some unique aspects (in bold) to consider when choosing a PFD to use for Surfski events.
• The PFD must conform to EN ISO 12402-5 ({Level 50})
• It must be able to float a weight of 6.15kgs.
• It must carry the appropriate labelling.
• It must be in sound condition.
• It must not be loose fitting
• Shape and design of the jacket must allow freedom to twist and lean the torso.
• The wearing of a PFD (that conforms to EN ISO 12402-5 {Level 50}
• It must be able to float a weight of 6.15kgs.
• It must carry the appropriate labelling.
• It must be in sound condition.
• It must be bright in colour (preferably luminous).
• It must have the name of the paddler reflected on it.
• It must have a pocket on the chest so that the tracking devise can be accommodated.
• It must have a second pocket where a cell phone can be accommodated.
• It must have a small pocket where a whistle can be accommodated.
I would also like to expand more on what PFDs can be used at this stage and what advice you can provide paddlers that will no doubt ask for.
As previously mentioned there is a SANS equivalent to the ISO 12402-5 (SANS 12402-5). There is also mention in the SAMSA documents that the old approved SABS 1417 PFDs are recognised as equal to the current regulations. Please note that these regulations are under review and could change when the review process is complete.
So in summary the following are currently accepted until the end of the review process and provided they pass ALL of the other CSA Bylaws mentioned above.
• ISO 12402-5
• SANS 12402-5
• SABS 1417
2020 Drak Challenge
CSA understands that there may be issues arising, that are out of the paddlers control, in obtaining an approved PFD for the event. With this in mind the following will happen.
• All PFDs will be checked at registration
• On arrival the paddler will have to go through a PFD inspection process before they can register
• Should the PFD have the appropriate label and the Safety Officers are satisfied they meet the other CSA Bylaws they will have a coloured tag attached to them.
• The following will happen should anyone arrive without the correctly labelled or approved PFDs
• The PFDs will be subjected to a thorough test and inspection
• If the PFD fails the paddler will be required to source a suitable replacement in order to compete
• Should the PFD pass
• The paddler will be allowed to compete.
• That paddlers details will be recorded.
• They will be informed that they will not be allowed to use a non-approved PFD at their next event.
• A different coloured tag will be attached to the PFD
• Please note that this will only happen at registration. No PFDs will be inspected on the morning of the race.
Batch Check In
• In order to check in to your batch the following will occur
o The normal boat safety checks ie correct buoyancy etc
o Each paddler must present their tagged PFD to show that it has passed
• CSA promotes fair trade within the South African Paddling community, however, CSA does not endorse any single brand.
• CSA is NOT the authorising body of the ISO/SANS regulations.
• CSA can not and will not police the legalities of what makes a PFD conform to the ISO/SANS specifications.
• Should anyone have concerns about the legalities of the standard or sale of a PFD, they need to report this to the applicable authority directly and not through CSA.
• We recommend you contact your local suppliers to find out what approved PFDs are available.
• Please don’t leave this to the last minute as stocks will surely be in demand over the next couple of months.